Three Poems

This week, I have the privilege of sharing three of my poems which are published in Issue VI of Heart of Flesh Literary Magazine. Heart of Flesh is a beautiful and earnest publication which features the writing and wrestling of artists seeking to know God and follow Jesus. I encourage you to spend some time with the rest of the issue; it is a treasure.

Below, you’ll find a link that will take you to my poetry page. I wrote the first poem, “A Costly Ascent,” in honor of my sister, whose own wrestling with God through ongoing suffering has been a true and convicting inspiration to me. I’m especially excited because an audio recording of me reading the poem is included—something I’ve never done before.

I wrote the second poem, “At Hand,” during a season in which I first began marveling at the reality of Jesus bringing heaven to earth and inaugurating his kingdom here and now, with us. In many ways, this poem expresses where I still am in my faith journey: seeking the kingdom of God here on earth, as it is in heaven—longing for the day when heaven and earth will be one.

The third poem, “Methodist Hospital, Room 213” was written in 2019, when my husband Drew flew to Texas to be with his dying mother. I didn’t know what to do with my aloneness, fear, and grief, so I poured it out through poetry. The poem is what I imagined her hospital room to be like before I also flew to Texas, where I was confronted with the absolute devastation yet utter holiness of journeying with a loved one who is dying. This poem is in honor of Jan Dixon.

Thank you, as always, for reading.

It is an honor to journey with you on this long road Home.


The Beauty of Hiddenness


He Has Time