Katelyn Jane Dixon

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With All My Heart

“I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it now with all my heart.”

Vincent VanGogh

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for journeying with me thus far with Behold.

It has been an immense gift to receive your thoughts, insights, and encouragement along the way.

I’ve met God in the process of writing and also through the wise and beautiful hearts He’s given each of you.

Your hearts have shaped my own.

Recently, I’ve sensed an invitation to be still and step away from writing a weekly blog post, so I will be focusing on other endeavors for the month of August.  

I don’t know what this next month will hold. To be honest, I’m afraid that if I stop writing for just a few short weeks, no one will be here when I return.  

But this fear is precisely why it is so important to surrender my efforts into the loving hands of God, a God who promises to faithfully guide his people.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” 

-Isaiah 30:15

This month, may each of you be blessed by a special Providence. May you sense the hand of God covering, holding, and guiding you, as he has in ages past and will for eternity.

See you in September,
